3.76Water flows steadily from the large open tank shown in Fig. P3.76, If viscous effects are negligible, determine (a) the flowrate, Q , and (b) the manometer reading, h. .

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three.87Water is siphoned from the tank shown in Fig. P3.87, Determine the flowrate from the tank and the pressures at points (1), (ii), and (three) if sticky effects are negligible. .

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3.108A conical plug is used to regulate the air period from the pipe shown in Fig. P3.108. The air leaves the edge of the cone with a compatible thickness of 0.02 thou. If viscous effects are negligible and the flowrate is 0.50 m3/s, determine the pressure level within the pipage. .

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3.81Water flows steadily down in the pipe shown in Fig. three.81 with negligible losses. Make up one's mind the flowrate. .

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3.102Water flows through the branching pipe shown in Fig. P3.102, If viscous effects are negligible, determine the pressure at section (2) and the pressure at section (3). .

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three.72Helium flows through a 0.30-one thousand-diameter horizontal pipe with a temperature of xx and pressure of 200 kPa (abs) at a rate of 0.30 kg/s. If the pipe reduces to 0.25-m-bore determine the pressure difference between these ii sections. Presume incompressible, in gummy menstruum. .

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3.94An accident device for measuring fourth dimension is shown in Fig. P3.94. The axisymmetric vessel is shaped so that the water level falls at a constant rate. Make up one's mind the shape of the vessel, R = R(z), if the water level is to decrease at a rate of 0.10 m/hour and the.

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3.104Water flows from a big tank through a large pipe that splits into two smaller pipes as shown in Fig. P3.104. If gummy furnishings are negligible, decide the flowrate from the tank and the pressure at point(1). .

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3.100Water flows through a horizontal branching pipe as shown in Fig. P3.100 Make up one's mind the pressure at section (3). .

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3.92Water, considered an in gummy , incompressible fluid, flows steadily as shown in Fig. P3.92. Make up one's mind h. .

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3.71Water flows steadily with negligible gluey effects through the piping shown in Fig. P3.71. It is known that the 4-in. diameter department of thin-walled tubing will collapse if the pressure inside it becomes less than 10 psi below atmospheric force per unit area, Make up one's mind the maximum value that h tin take without causing.

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3.63A polish plastic, 10-m-long garden hose with an inside diameter of twenty mm is used to drain a wading pool as is shown in Fig. P3.63. If Viscous effects are neglected, what is the flowrate from the puddle? .

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3.110A small card is placed on pinnacle of a spool every bit shown in Fig. P3.110. Information technology is not possible to blow the card off the spool past blowing air through the hole in the center of the spool. The harder one blows, the harder the carte du jour "sticks" to the spool..

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3.107Water flows from the pipage shown in Fig. P3.107 as a free jet and strikes a circular flat plate. The menses geometry shown is axisymmetrical. Determine the flowrate and the manometer reading, H. .

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3.84Water flows into the sink shown in Fig. P3.84 and Video V5.i at a rate of 2 gal/min. If the drain is closed, the water will eventually flow through the overflow drain holes rather than over the edge of the sink. How many 0.4-in,-bore drain holes are needed to ensure.

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iii.111Observations show that it is not possible to blw the table tennis ball from the funnel shown in Fig. P3.111a, In fact, the ball can be kept in an inverted funnel, Fig. P3.111b, by bravado through information technology. The harder 1 blows through the funnel, the harder the brawl is held.

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3.105Air, causeless incompressible and in viscid, flows into the outdoor cooking grill through nine holes of 0.forty-in, diameter as shown in Fig. P3.105. If a flowrate of forty in3/s into the grill is required to maintain the correct cooking conditions, determine the pressure within the grill well-nigh the holes. .

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3.82Water flows steadily from a big open tank and discharges into the temper through a 3-in,-diameter pipe as shown in Fig. P3.82. Determine the bore, d, in the narrowed section of the pipe at a if the pressure gages at A and B bespeak the same pressure. .

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3.95A long water trough of triangular cantankerous department is formed from two plans as is shown in Fig. P3.95, A gap of 0.1 in. remains at the junction of the 2 planks. If the h2o depth initially was 2 ft,fifty how long a fourth dimension does it take for the water.

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iii.79Water flows from a large tank and through a pipe of variable area every bit shown in Fig. P3.79. The expanse of the pipage is given past A = A0[ane-x(one-10/fifty)/2l'). where A0 is the area at the beginning (10=0) and cease (ten=l) of the pipe. Plot graphs of the pressure within.

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iii.106An air absorber vehicle is supported by forcing air into the sleeping room created past a brim around the periphery of the vehicle as shown in Fig. P3.106. The air escapes through the iii-in. clearance between the lower end of the skirt and the ground (or water). Presume the vehicle weighs.

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3.68Water flows steadily through the variable surface area pipe shown in Fig. P3.68 with negligible gluey furnishings, Determine the manometer reading, H, if the flowrate is 0.5m3 /s and the density of the manometer fluid is 600 kg/m3. .

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3.93Determine the flowrate through the submerged orifice shown in Fig. P3.93 if the contraction coefficient is Cc = 0.63 .

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3.91JP-4 fuel (SG = 0.77) flows through the Venturi meter shown in Fig. P3.91 with a velocity of xv ft/s in the half dozen-in. pipe. If viscid effects are negligible, determine the height, h, of the fuel in the open up tube connected to the throat of the Venturi meter. .

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3.73Water is pumped from a lake through an viii-in . pipe at a charge per unit of 10ft3/s, If viscous effects are negligible, what is the pressure in the suction pipe (the pipe betwixt the lake and the pump) at an tiptop half-dozen ft above the lake? .

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iii.85What force per unit area, p1 is needed to produce a flowrate of 0.09 ft3/due south from the tank shown in Fig. P3.85? .

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3.83Water flows from a large tank as shown in Fig. P3.83. Atmospheric pressure level is 14.5 psia and the vapor pressure is one.60 psia. If gummy furnishings are neglected, at what top, h, will cavitation begin? To avert cavitation, should the value of D1 exist increased or decreased? To avoid cavitation,.

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3.78Air flows steadily through a converging-diverging rectangular channel of constant width as shown in Fig. P3.78 and Video V3.10. The height of the channel at the exit and the exit velocity are H0 and V0, respectively. The channel is to be shaped so that the distance, d, that water is.

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3.96A spherical tank of bore D has a drain hole of bore d at its lesser. A vent at the peak of the tank maintains atmospheric pressure level within the tank. The flow is quasisteady and in gluey and the tank is full of water initially. Decide the h2o depth every bit.

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3.86The vent on the tank shown in Fig. P3.86 is closed and the tank pressurized to increase the flowrate. What force per unit area. p1, is needed to produce twice the flowrate of that when the vent is open? .

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3.80If viscous effects are neglected and the tank is large, make up one's mind the flowrate the flowrate from the tank shown in Fig. P3.fourscore. .

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3.70The specific gravity of the manometer fluid shown in Fig. P3.70 is 1.07. Decide the volume flowrate, Q, if the flow is in viscid and incompressible and the flowing fluid is (a) h2o, (b) gasoline, or (c) air at standard weather. .

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three.101Water flows through the horizontal Y-fitting shown in Fig. P3.101, if the flowrate and pressure in pipage (i) are Q1 = 2.3 ft3/s and p1 = l lb/in2, determine the pressures, p2 and p3 in pipes (two) and (3) under the assumption that the flowrate divides evenly between pipes (2).

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3.99The area, A, of the pond shown in Fig. P3.99 varies with the h2o depth, h, as shown in the table. At fourth dimension t = 0 a valve is opened and the pond is allowed to bleed through a pipe of diameter D. If sticky effects are negligible and.

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three.77Water from a faucet fills a 16-oz glass (volume = 28.nine in3) in 20 s. If the diameter of the jet leaving the faucet is 0.60 in.,  what is the diameter of the jet leaving the faucet is 0.60 in., what is the diameter of the jet when it strikes.

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iii.98When the bleed plug is pulled, h2o flows from a hole in the bottom of a large, open cylindrical tank. Evidence that if viscous effects are negligible and if the flow is assumed to be quasisteady, so information technology takes three.41 times longer to empty the unabridged tank than it does.

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3.112Water flows down the sloping ramp shown in Fig. P3.112 with negligible viscous furnishings. The flow is uniform at sections (1) and (2). For the conditions given show that three solutions for the downstream depth, h2, are obtained past apply of the Bernoulli and continuity equations.  Even so, testify that only.

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three.66Carbon dioxide flows at a rate of 1.5 ft3/due south from a 3-in pipe in which the pressure level and temperature are 20 psi (cuff) and 120 into a 1.five in. pipe. If gummy effects are neglected and incompressible weather are assumed, determine the force per unit area in the smaller pipe. .

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iii.90Water flows steadily from the pipe shown in Fig. P3.90 with negligible pasty furnishings. Make up one's mind the maximum flowrate if the water is not to catamenia from the open vertical tube at A. .

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3.74Air is drawn into a pocket-sized open-circuit wind tunnel equally shown in Fig. P3.74. Atmospheric pressure is 98.7 kPa (abs) and the temperature is 27. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the force per unit area at the stagnation betoken on the olfactory organ of the aeroplane. Also make up one's mind the manometer reading, h, for.

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iii.64Water exits a pipe as a free jet and flows to a tiptop h above the exit aeroplane equally shown in Fig. P3.64. The flow is steady incompressible, and frictionless. (a) Make up one's mind the height h (b) Determine the velocity and force per unit area at section (1). .

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3.67Oil of specific gravity 0.83 flows in the pipage shown in Fig.P3.67. If viscous effects are neglected, what is the flowrate? .

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3.65Water flows steadily from a large, closed tank equally shown in Fig. P3.65. The deflection in the mercury manometer is 1 in, and viscous effects are negligible. (a) Decide the volume flowrate. (b) Make up one's mind the air pressure in the space above the surface of the h2o in the tank. .

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3.103Water flows through the horizontal branching piping shown in Fig. P3.103 at a rate of 10ft3/s. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the h2o speed at section (ii), the pressure level at department (3), and the flowrate at section(four). .

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iii.109Water flows steadily from a nozzle into a large tank as shown in Fig. P3.109. The water and then flows from the tank as a jet of diameter d. Determine the value of d if the h2o level in the tank remains constant. Gluey furnishings are negligible. .

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3.88Water is siphoned from a large tank and discharges into the atmosphere through a 2in-diameter tube as shown in Fig. P3.88. The end of the tube is iii ft below the tank bottom, and viscous effects are negligible. (a) Determine the volume flowrate from the tank. (b) Determine the maximum.

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iii.75Air flows through the device shown in Fig. P3.75. If the flowrate is large plenty, the pressure within the constriction will be depression enough to describe the water up into the tube. Determine the flowrate, Q, and the pressure needed at department (i) to describe the water into department (2)..

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